Paschal/Palm Procession
Christopher Walker – Paschal/Palm Procession
I No more weeping, joy has come into the world, he is risen. II Do not fear, Jesus has conquered, he is risen from the dead. III Jesus, lives, the Lord of Lords fills the world with his glory, He is risen from the dead, in joyfulness we greet the risen Lord, [singing] IV The Lord is calling his disciples to send us out into the world, For we love him, we believe him, and we’ll follow him, ’til we rise with him. [The] V Sing him praise all of our days, blessings on him forever. Sing him praise all of our days for his name is Wonder Counsellor so VI Glory in the highest heav’ns! Coda Alleluia!
D Em A D G Em A A7
No more weeping, joy has come into the world, he is risen.
Christopher Walker – Paschal/Palm Procession