Verse 1
Sun and moon: Bless your Maker!
Stars of heaven: Chant your praise!
Showers and dew: Raise up your joyful song!
All you works of God,
Every mountain, star and tree,
Bless the One who shapes your beauty,
Who has caused you all to be
One great song of love and grace,
Ever ancient, ever new.
Raise your voices, all you works of God.
Verse 2
Winds of God: Bless your Maker!
Cold and winter: Chant your praise!
Snow storms and ice: Raise up your joyful song!
Verse 3
Night and day: Bless your Maker!
Light and darkness: Chant your praise!
Lightnings and clouds: Raise up your joyful song!
Verse 4
All the earth: Bless your Maker!
Hills and mountains: Chant your praise!
Green things that grow: Raise up your joyful song!
Verse 5
Wells and springs: Bless your Maker!
Seas and rivers: Chant your praise!
Whales in the deep: Raise up your joyful song!
Verse 6
Flying birds: Bless your Maker!
Beasts and cattle: Chant your praise!
Children at play: Raise up your joyful song!
Verse 7
All who live: Bless your Maker!
Men and women: Chant your praise!
Servants of God: Raise up your joyful song!
Intro:GDCC/DDGDCC/DDVerse 1:DGCGSun and moon: Bless your Maker!DGAmDStars of heaven: Chant your praise!FC/FFC/ECAm7DShowers and dew: Raise up your joy-ful song!Chorus:GDEmAll you works of God,CGDEv’ry mountain, star and tree,EmG/BCBless the One who shapes your beauty,GAm7DWho has caused you all to beC/DGDEmOne great song of love and grace,AmB7EmEver ancient, ever now.C/BCAm7C/DDGDCC/DDGRaise your voices, all you works of God.Verse 2:Winds of God: Bless your Maker!Cold and winter: Chant your praise!Snow storms and ice: Raise up your joyful song!Verse 3:Night and day: Bless your Maker!Light and darkness: Chant your praise!Lightnings and clouds: Raise up your joyful song!Verse 4:All the earth: Bless your Maker!Hills and mountains: Chant your praise!Green things that grow: Raise up your joyful song!Verse 5:Wells and springs: Bless your Maker!Seas and rivers: Chant your praise!Whales in the deep: Raise up your joyful song!Verse 6:Flying birds: Bless your Maker!Beasts and cattle: Chant your praise!Children at play: Raise up your joyful song!Verse 7:All who live: Bless your Maker!Men and women: Chant your praise!Servants of God: Raise up your joyful song!
Dear Amber and everyone else. I too love this song. I am in Year 12. We also sang this song in primary school and my friends and I also sing this song to this day.
Dear Everyone,
I love this song. My choir in primary school sing this wonderful song. I am in year 5.
Dear Amber and everyone else. I too love this song. I am in Year 12. We also sang this song in primary school and my friends and I also sing this song to this day.