Canticle of the Sun
Marty Haugen – Canticle of the Sun
Chorus The heavens are telling the glory of God, And all creation is shouting for joy! Come, dance in the forest, come, play in the field, And sing, sing to the glory of the Lord! Verse 1 Sing to the sun, the bringer of day, he carries the light of the Lord in his rays; the moon and the stars who light up the way unto your throne! Verse 2 Praise to the wind, that blows through the trees, the seas' mighty storms, the gentlest breeze; they blow where they will, they blow where they please to please the Lord! Verse 3 Praise for the rain, that waters our fields, and blesses our crops so all the earth yields; from death unto life her mystr'y concealed springs forth in joy. Verse 4 Praise to the fire, who gives us his light, the warmth of the sun to brighten our night; he dances with joy, his spirit so bright, he sings of you! Verse 5 Sing to the earth, who makes life to grow, the creatures you made to let your life show; the flowers and trees that help us to know the Heart of Love. Verse 6 Praise to our death, that makes our life real, the knowledge of loss that helps us to feel; the Gift of Yourself, your Presence revealed to bring us home.
How may I find a copy of the music for Mary Haugen’s Canticle of the Sun?
thank you so much for your prompt reply. can you provide us also of the minus one or instrumental copy of this song?
A piano score would be helpful.
Where can I find the instrumental accompaniment? I play the recorder and this part would be very helpful. 2 recorders, I think…….