Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad;
Let all creation sing.
Let children proclaim to every land:
Hosanna to the King.
Verse 1
Sound the trumpet into the night;
The day of the Lord is near.
Wake His people, lift your voice,
Proclaim it to the world.
Verse 2
Rise in splendor, shake off your sleep;
Put on your robes of joy.
And in the morning you shall see
The glory of the Lord.
Verse 3
Raise your voices, be not afraid.
Proclaim it in every land.
Christ has died, but he has risen;
He will come again.
Verse 4
Sing a new song unto the Lord,
For he has done wonderful deeds.
And praise him, thank him, dance before him,
Play before the Lord.
[Chorus]DEmALet heaven rejoice and earth be gladDEmALet all creation singGADBmLet children proclaim to every landGADHosanna to the King[Verse 1]BmEmBmSound the trumpet into the nightEmGF#The day of the Lord is nearBmAGEmWake His people, lift your voiceGEmAProclaim it to the world[Verse 2]BmEmBmRise in splendor, shake off your sleepEmGF#Put on your robes of joyBmAGEmAnd in the morning you shall seeGEmAThe Glory of the Lord[Verse 3]BmEmBmRaise your voices, be not afraid.EmGF#Proclaim it in every land.BmAGEmChrist has died, but he has risen;GEmAHe will come again.[Verse 4]BmEmBmSing a new song unto the Lord,EmGF#For he has done wonderful deeds.BmADBmAnd praise him, thank him, dance before him,GEmAAsus4 A Play before the Lord.